My list of Coolness Blog

{August 23, 2010}   Book Review: Numb

Just Finished:

Numb: A Novel
by Sean Ferrell

I was touched by Numb. Initially, I was drawn to its subject: pain and after reading it, I was reminded me of the fact that to feel pain is to be human; that it’s what we all have in common. The book follows a character named Numb. Named that way because he turns up at a circus with no memories of who he is or where he came from and without the ability to feel pain. In Numb’s efforts to find an identity without pain, which is what the book asserts is necessary to the process, Numb doesn’t seem to have the ability to worry about the people (who can feel pain) that he leaves in his wake. The novel is at its best in the passages with Ferrell’s ruminations on pain. I wish he had stayed there throughout the novel and had forgone delving into fame’s place in the human experience, but ultimately for a person who’s spent a life healing wounds of the past, it was nice to be reminded that I’m human after all.

Buy it here: Numb: A Novel by Sean Ferrell

Forgot to mention this yesterday- Sufjan Stevens has released a new EP. You can download it here or listen to it here

In My Mother She Killed Me, My Father He Ate Me: Forty New Fairy Tales, Edited By Kate Bernheimer, fiction authors pick their favorite fairytale and reimagine it. Authors include: Michael Cunningham, Francine Prose, Aimee Bender, and Neil Gaiman, among others. It comes out September 28.

I don’t know why they put shows like this on Friday nights. Well, before you go out you may want to check out Kids in the Hall‘s new special Death Comes to Town, a murder mystery where the Kids cast plays every character. On tonight at 10pm on IFC.

{August 16, 2010}   New Releases…sort of UPDATED

Ok, so I didn’t update the releases that came out last week, but there was some really good stuff. So here’s new releases for last and this week:

This Week:



Last Week:



Next Week:

{August 7, 2010}   Young Adults: A post for you

What’s the cut-off age for when you cease being a young adult and entire into a bonafide adult? As I ponder that, here’s some items for you if you consider yourself a young adult:

Here’s 20 Cassic Works in Gay Literature

So a new feature on the blog I happen to really like is some items (movies, books, ideas) that are being talked about on the internet. The web maybe be miles wide and about an inch deep, but I’ll cull from that depth. For example, a 1997 movie that was widely talked about, disappeared and has re-appeared this week:

Colin Fitz Lives ,”is a charming, ironic, and absurdist comedy that finds its inspiration in America’s obsessions with fame, celebrity deaths and rock ‘n roll,” was the darling of Sundance 1997, but it never got a theatrical release.  It is being released in limited areas tomorrow Aug. 6. Check out the trailer, but will be available with Video On Demand services


A book about the last words of people that were sentenced to death throughout history. And yes, “kiss my ass” is included.


And a book about a guy that went on a mission to correct typos across America

– Books found via Book Bench


Check out their concert from Madison Square Garden tonight at 10pm ET on You Tube

UPDATE: Video highlights from the show

(more videos are available via link above)

So once again, we’re going to do release picks a little different this week, as I am feeling super lazy. I blame it on the heat. Anyways, dvd-centered release picks…


et cetera